Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Domu, A Child's Dream manga cover 1983

 This a very old manga that is very well done in many aspects. Even thought the way some people look a little funny in old  Japanese animation, I like it because it is more distinguished and Japanese oriented than comics I mostly see today. It was this writer's ( Otomo )  first story about children posessing telekenitic power's that set the stage for his six book long epic "Akira" which took him ten years to complete and  in that time making a 5 million dollar animated film of it in '86. I searched for various images of Domu that I thought would work together and I cut out japanese letters since I've always wanted to see that version.
I feel content with what I've made and that it's my tribute to Otomo for showing me things that help me explain life a little bit better in a strange way.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Moon Biking

I liked what I did with this project and I feel that the more and more I plan out what would work with whatever I'm given the broader my imagination becomes. Also my knowledge of photoshop expands as I ask for help on things that'll help me do more cool things later on. I like looking at the moon a lot especially with a telescope so I can see all the craters across it's face. I like mountain biking and I have a friend, Redmund who lives in Colorado who is an amazing at it and where's full gear like this dude here. I thought it kind of looked like a space suit in a way so it seemed to work. If it would be possible to work around the lack of gravity some how I would definitely do this for sure. It would be sick.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

GSA poster

For the GSA club they wanted to have a movie night and the only movie I heard was going to be watched was Milk and I told Monican the head member of the club about Gus Van Sant's other film called Elephant so I put that in too. The Graffiti Artist I heard about and thought it would just look good too in the poster and I liquified the edges like the others and maybe should've put an image below it like I did for Elephant, but I had a hard time finding a good one. The bottom black space to the left is actually for more info since they want to use it later so the date needs to be changed too. I'm going to make some minor adjustments to it later on, but I'm not going to lie I like overall how it turned out.

-Thanks, signing off Conor

Moog poster

This past weekend this sick electronic/hip-hop music festival went down in Ashville, NC and I was
so bummed not be able to go. My good friend Truman went and said it's was unbelievably awesome and I'm sure it was. I found a Moogefest name tag and a photo of the show from last year and changed the opacity so it would show through with the lights an everything. Then I picked out the top artist's I wanted to see and arranged them in a order based upon the backround which is a phot I liquified and made the colors of it show through the pictures of the various artists. I love how it looks and wish I could make some money off of it so I could go next year haha.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Replica of Photographer's manipulated photograph

For this assignment we had to replicate photographs that were manipulated using the old style of analog photography which would take day to do while with photoshop it's much easier to do. I thought it would be a little challenging, but it proved to not be so bad as with most things in photoshop once you know how your going to go about doing it. I'm content with the way it turned out and the new useful tools I got to learn how to use. Really like the opacity tool because I feel like that's something that could help me make more cool stuff in the near future. Thanks Ms. Burnette

Thursday, February 23, 2012

blue toned print


For this assignment I had to follow a tutorial on youtube on how to make a kaleidoscope. It was very easy to follow and I was glad the way the picture I chose worked so well for a kaleidoscope. I feel very satisfied with the way it turned out and I hope to make more now that I know how.