Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Moog poster

This past weekend this sick electronic/hip-hop music festival went down in Ashville, NC and I was
so bummed not be able to go. My good friend Truman went and said it's was unbelievably awesome and I'm sure it was. I found a Moogefest name tag and a photo of the show from last year and changed the opacity so it would show through with the lights an everything. Then I picked out the top artist's I wanted to see and arranged them in a order based upon the backround which is a phot I liquified and made the colors of it show through the pictures of the various artists. I love how it looks and wish I could make some money off of it so I could go next year haha.

1 comment:

  1. just checked out the lineup. love santigold! i have an autographed cover of her latest CD in c107.
    hope you can go next year...
