Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Domu, A Child's Dream manga cover 1983

 This a very old manga that is very well done in many aspects. Even thought the way some people look a little funny in old  Japanese animation, I like it because it is more distinguished and Japanese oriented than comics I mostly see today. It was this writer's ( Otomo )  first story about children posessing telekenitic power's that set the stage for his six book long epic "Akira" which took him ten years to complete and  in that time making a 5 million dollar animated film of it in '86. I searched for various images of Domu that I thought would work together and I cut out japanese letters since I've always wanted to see that version.
I feel content with what I've made and that it's my tribute to Otomo for showing me things that help me explain life a little bit better in a strange way.

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