Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stencil of two-faced angry german dude

For this stencil I picked out a photograph off of lomography of this german guy's portrait which was taken with a splitzer allowing you to cut have of a frame but not necessarily always over-lapping doubles. I think it would look great on a wall somewhere with the right texture and maybe get that purple around the edges of the black or make it more multilayered.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hunter S, Thomson and Ice Age

For this project I chose the writer Hunter S. Thompson and the lead singer and bassist from the Danish band Ice Age for my stencils. I wish I had the time to cut them out into real stencils, but I might be able to later on..not exactly sure yet. I was pleased with the way they both came out and I really need to start making stencils again because I used to do it a lot when I was 13 still living in Fredericksburg where my fellow friend and artist Gab taught me and I wasn't half bad.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Own project

I liked doing this assignment because it was completely my own and my results were awesome.
It was really cool to see what I could do and it made me feel better about the few photo's I took while seeing my sister in New York over the break. The top one I shot while coming up to Brooklyn with a few of the water and I took my canon EOS T3 Rebel with a telephoto lens 75-300mm and snapped a helicopter in the sky with the sun shining through the dark clouds. I merged that with another shot from Brooklyn of a tram passing through a graffited gap between roofs. The piece below that was taken on our way to Manhattan of the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance merged with a photo of a friends polaroids. I thought it came out good enough for me.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

French Fry Alphabet

We had to make an  English alphabet with whatever we could think of and after seeing my friends bored one day making a stupid message out of french fry's I thought that's what I should do.. just with letters. I was slow at first about it and kept putting it off but eventually I changed out the lenses on my camera with a macro so I was ready. Despite getting plenty of odd looks from everyone who didn't know what the hell I was doing while i took all the photo's out in the front it wasn't too bad. I thought it came out pretty good I guess but it was a little annoying having to change every single letter to the right size after realizing my document was just a little too small. I think it's cool and I'm glad I got it done already.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Coconut dies in honor

I actually really enjoyed doing this project and I like the results I got out of it. Although I could've maybe added some things like a better backround I ran out of time and its good enough I guess.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Domu, A Child's Dream manga cover 1983

 This a very old manga that is very well done in many aspects. Even thought the way some people look a little funny in old  Japanese animation, I like it because it is more distinguished and Japanese oriented than comics I mostly see today. It was this writer's ( Otomo )  first story about children posessing telekenitic power's that set the stage for his six book long epic "Akira" which took him ten years to complete and  in that time making a 5 million dollar animated film of it in '86. I searched for various images of Domu that I thought would work together and I cut out japanese letters since I've always wanted to see that version.
I feel content with what I've made and that it's my tribute to Otomo for showing me things that help me explain life a little bit better in a strange way.