Tuesday, December 13, 2011

photfuniapicture-akira poster

For this assignment we had to choose one photo-editing sites, chose one of the pictures shown in the site that would go well with our own picture. I just finished reading a book about the artwork of a famous manga series that is very interesting and the illustrations are amazingly detailed. I chose one of the illustrations and thought it would look cool in a public place as a sort-of poster. I really like the way it looks in that setting and I might have found another illustration which might have looked better, but its pretty good.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

abstract painting project nov.2011

This assignment was based off of a movie we watched in class about a little girl at the age of 4 who made abstract paintings that became very popular and eventually began to sell for tons of money. We had to do our own abstract painting with lots of colors blended together and at first I just played around for a while, experimenting with various colors, using tools to manipulate them, and trying to make it more appealing each time. While I was creating my image I used my knowledge of spray painting by adding layers and blending colors the same way someone would spray paint. With spray painting if the can is spraying close to a wall the more thick the paint is and further away from it will fade around the edges and not drip. I found that the paint tool on the photoshop format is very similar to a spraypaint can with the way it fades around the edges and a softer look to it. I like the outcome of my work and I think my choice of colors was perfect. I cant say there would be anything that I would do differently next time because it is abstract and that's kind of hard to change